All Abilities

The Vanguard Academy is designed to be a school for individuals of all abilities. It is for everyone. Creating a school for all abilities requires that we innovate almost every aspect of how we think, plan, and provide. At the very foundation, we need to innovate what we collectively view and value as indicators of success, excellence, and promising futures, as children of all abilities will have their own unique life paths. This will in turn require that we innovate what curriculum and programs we offer, how we recruit and hire teachers, how we teach and assess students, how we provision resources, and ultimately what messages we teach our children about everyone’s right to dignity and respect as unique learners.


4 Main Benefits of a School for All Abilities


Improved academic achievement for all students


Reduction in stereotypes, stigma and prejudice against inherent differences


Happier and healthier school community


Improved ability to navigate diverse school, social, and work environments